2019. 3 東京理科大学理工学部物理学科卒業
2021. 3 東京理科大学大学院理工学研究科物理学専攻修士課程修了
2024. 3 東京理科大学大学院創域理工学研究科先端物理学専攻博士後期課程修了
【学位】 2024. 3 博士(理学)(東京理科大学)
2024. 4 群馬工業高等専門学校助教
1.Y. Nasuda and N. Sawado,
"Numerical study of the SWKB condition of novel classes of exactly solvable systems,"
Modern Physics Letters A 36, 05 2150025 (2021).
2.Y. Nasuda, "Several Exactly Solvable Quantum Mechanical Systems and the SWKB Quantization Condition,"
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 396:
Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, pp. 339-349, Springer Nature (2022).
3.Y. Nasuda and N. Sawado,
"SWKB Quantization Condition for Conditionally Exactly Solvable Systems and the Residual Corrections,"
Nuclear Physics B 987, 116087 (2023).
4.Y. Nasuda, "Harmonic Oscillator with a Step and/or a Ramp,"
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2667, 012068 (2023).
5.Y. Nasuda and N. Sawado,
"Harmonic oscillator with a step and its isospectral properties,"
Physica Scripta 99, 045212 (2024).